show example

' a lua-like functional programming language ' factorial function fn fact(n) :: if n = 0 then 1 else n * fact(n-1) ' read a number from the console and let a :: read() in a . toNum . fact . print ' an iterative factorial function and fn fact2(n) :: range(1, n+1) . foldl(1, mul) ' read a number from the console and let a :: read() in ' composition of functions a . toNum . fact2 . print ' obligatory fibonacci function and fn fib(n) :: if n < 2 then n else fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) and let a :: read() in a . toNum . fib . print ' test of currying and fn test(a, b, c) :: print(a + b + c) and let _ :: () in test(1)(2)(3) ' 6 ' test of assignment and let c :: 0 in c :: 3 in print(c) ' 3 ' test of closures and fn counter(i) :: fn () :: i :: i + 1 in i end ' end keyword prevents the parser from ' attaching the next 'and' to the inner function, ' could also just use parentheses ' test of closures and let c :: counter(0) in print(c()) ; ' 1 print(c()) ; ' 2 print(c()) ' 3 ' test of lists and let l :: [1, 2, 3] in print(l) ; ' [1, 2, 3] print(l . head) ; ' 1 print(l . tail) ; ' [2, 3] print(l .. [4, 5, 6]) ; ' [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] print(l.nth(1)) ' 2 ' and a whole other bunch of list functions ' test of regex and let expr :: regex("a*b") in print(expr.match("aaab")) ; ' true print(expr.match("b")) ; ' true print(expr.match("ab")) ; ' true print(expr.match("c")) ; ' false

an exercise in minimalism and expresiveness

zy is a functional programming language with a syntax inspired by lua and ocaml.

it is currently in development and has a (slow) reference interpreter written in kotlin.

the source code is available on github.

all contributions are welcome.


zy is:

zy has:


the standard library is currently somewhat small, but it does have a few useful functions.





strings & regex